Have you seen this movie? Are you a fan of crime/mystery or detective story? If you're a fan of Detective Conan and Agatha Christie's Novel, I think you should really watch this movie. MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS ...
It's been a while since my last post right? Almost One and half year already passed. Lots of things happened. You could say, that time was my healing time. Yes, I've been healing from something I didn't even know that I've been having it. Then when I learn to accept the truth and reality, my healing phase past quickly and now I'me perfectly...
Happy Eid Mubarak 1435 H for all Moslem in the World❤️ May Allah SWT accept our fasting on this Ramadhan. I hope you all and your family be blessed by Allah SWT. ...
Heyaaaaa, its February already 💟 And its Valentine's day soon! What are you preparing for your loved ones? I'll share my afternoon date Last Wednesday on Feb 10th with my (finally official ) Boyfriend. 😁 We went to Tunjungan Plaza that day, after we got there we walk around and went to sports store (because he loved sports brand like nike &...
Happy New Year Everyone ~ Sorry for my long absence cause I've been busy taking care things for gradution this year. I will try to post a lot as much as possible so you my lovely reader & new reader wont get bored :( So How's your new Year going so far? 😊Here a little message for you for this year, ...
Assalamu'alaikum ~ How's your day? Last Monday I decided to went out rather than stayed at home. Sorry for not posting anything lately because I always stay home because of low allowance when it close to the end of the month T_T. And last seven days my grandma were hospitalized because she felt week and exhausted since my aunt went hajj every week...
Heyaaa long time no see! It is October already! Forthe first week how is it going? I hope you all doing well ^^ See you around! ...