Hello September!!
nice to post something again on my blog ! :D
How'd you doin ?
I hope everything's alright ;)
well, these photos were taken on 29th August on Ubaya Training Center in Trawas.
I've had a little short trip there with my family.
I think UTC is a facillities that provide by Campus UBAYA for their student needed for their activities. short of meeting that need 1-3 days night to stay.
and the plus point of this place was the beautiful scenery and places. I can't stop myself to snapping photos with my DSLR Camera!
Later, I will post the photos but now is ootd post! Let's take a look :3
With my Sister! (not my sibling, she is my cousin! :D ) |
What I wore
Levi's Top // Ninety Degrees's Jeans // 13th shoes 's Tie Dye Nordic Boat // Motiviga 's Koi Tote Bag